
DNA/RNA Blotting Kit,Doctor's Bag Suppliers & Manufacturers

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DNA/RNA Blotting Kit
Calypte Biomedical Corp.

Doctor's Bag
Professional Case, Inc., Medema Limited, Williams Medical Supplies Ltd

Doppler Ultrasound
A Doppler ultrasound is a noninvasive test that can be used to evaluate blood flow and pressure by bouncing high-frequency sound waves (ultrasound) off red blood cells. The Doppler effect is a change in the frequency of sound waves reflected by a moving object. A Doppler ultrasound can estimate how fast blood flows by measuring the rate of change in its pitch (frequency). This test may be done as an alternative to more invasive procedures such as arteriography and venography, which involve injecting dye into the blood vessel to enhance X-ray images. A Doppler ultrasound may help diagnose many conditions, including: blood clots, incompetent valves in leg veins, which cause fluid to accumulate (venous insufficiency), heart valve defects & congenital heart disease, a blocked artery (arterial occlusion) and narrowing (stenosis) of an artery. This test also helps doctor to evaluate an injury to the arteries or to monitor arterial reconstruction and bypass grafts.
KPI Ultrasound, VasoNova, Inc., Moore Medical Corporation Inc, more...

Dot & Slot Blotters
Dot & Slot Blotters features simple construction, four sample configurations and alphanumeric sample identification. These are used for DNA or RNA hybridizations and for protein immunological studies. Its application include clone screening with DNA/RNA probes and immunological screening with antibodies.
Calypte Biomedical Corp., Whatman plc

Dot Blotting Apparatus
Calypte Biomedical Corp.

Dot Microfiltration System
Dot Microfiltration System provides a reproducible method for binding protein or nucleic acid in solution onto nitrocellulose or zeta-probe membrane. It includes bio-dot & bio-dot SF templates, vacuum manifold base and gasket support plate.
American Supply Corp.

Double Layer Biliary Stents
Polymerex Medical Corp., Olympus KeyMed Ltd.

Double Stainless Steel Glove Dispenser
Terra Universal, Inc.

Double-door Incubator shaker
Tecan U.S., Inc.

Drape Sheets
Drape Sheets are ideal for non-surgical procedures where patient or equipment draping is required. Drape sheets cover patient during exams or treatments.
Allen Medical Systems, Dealmed Medical Supplies, MedexSupply, more...

Dri-Heat Sterilizers
TSI Medical Ltd.

Drug and Alcohol Test Kits
Indy Medical Supplies LLC, Medimpex United, Inc., Focus Diagnostics, Inc., more...

Drug Calibrator
BD Diagnostics - TriPath

Drug Monitoring Calibrator
Raytel Medical Corporation, New York Blood Center, BD Diagnostics - TriPath, more...

Drug Testing Kits
Alfa Scientific Designs, Inc., Indy Medical Supplies LLC,, more...

Drug Testing System
Alfa Scientific Designs, Inc., Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics,, more...

Drugs Of Abuse Test Kits
A Drug Test is commonly a technical examination of urine, semen, blood, sweat, or oral fluid samples to determine the presence or absence of specified drugs or their metabolized traces. Urine and oral fluid can be used as is for some tests, but other tests require the drugs to be extracted from urine beforehand. Strands of hair, patches and blood must be prepared before testing. Hair is washed in order to eliminate second-hand sources of drugs on the surface of the hair, then the keratin is broken down using enzymes. Blood plasma may need to be separated by centrifuge from blood cells prior to testing. Sweat patches are opened up and the sweat collection component is soaked in a solvent to dissolve any drugs present. Laboratory-based drug testing is done in a two-tiered fashion using two different types of detection methods. The first is known as the screening test and this is applied to all samples that go through the laboratory. The second known as the confirmation test, is only applied to samples that test positive during the screening test. Screening tests are usually done by immunoassay.EMIT, ELISA, and RIA are the most common.
Diagnostic Automation, Inc., Microgenics Corporation, Earlydetect, more...

Drugs Of Abuse Testing Kits
Microgenics Corporation, Biosite Incorporated, Millipore, more...

Dry Bath
Guangzhou Biomedical Instrument Co.Ltd

Dry Heat Slow Sterilizer
Alfa Medical, Narang Medical Limited

Dry Heat Sterilization Devices
Spectrum Surgical Instruments Corp.

Dry heat Sterilizer Equipment
Schueler & Company Inc, Faro Technologies, Inc., Roboz Surgical Instrument Co., Inc., more...

Dry Heat Sterilizers (FDA Code: KMH / 880.687)

Identification. A dry-heat sterilizer is a device that is intended for use by a health care provider to sterilize medical products by means of dry heat.

Classification. Class II (performance standards).

Preferred Products, Westone Laboratories, Inc., Schueler & Company Inc, more...

Dual Bank Vacuum Manifolds
Bay Gene, Inc., MO BIO Laboratories, Inc., EMD Biosciences, Inc., more...

Dual Enzymatic Detergents
Dual Enzymatic Detergents are used for cleaning delicate medical and dental instruments.
Advanced Sterilization Products, L & R Manufacturing Company, Cirrus Healthcare Products, L.L.C., more...

Dual Laser Scanner
Dual laser scanner is used for detecting microscope slides using a HeNe and ArI laser. This scanner is used on opaque and transparent materials. This scanner offers a simplified detection system. The laser beams are situated one above the other in the direction parallel to the direction of the web movement. As the two beams scan the web and encounter a defect such as an inclusion, surface dirt, a hole, or a wrinkle, the intensity of light reflected from the leading spot if the web will be different from the intensity of the trailing spot.
Alpha Innotech Corporation, Biosculptor Corporation

Durable Pillowcases
High Class Dental, Cirrus Healthcare Products, L.L.C., Henry Schein Inc., more...

Dust and Fume Handling Equipment
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc, Clean Air Products

Ear Thermometers
Helping Hand HealthMed, A, Brymill Cryogenic Systems, High Class Dental, more...

Earclip Probe
Medlab Medizinische Diagnosegerate GmbH

Early Pregnancy Testing Kit
Quidel Corporation, Universal Meditech Inc., ClinPro International Co. LLC, more...

Early Warning System For Microbial Detection
Becton, Dickson & Co.,, Living Independently Group, Inc.

Easy to Use Slide Spinner
Iris Sample Processing

EasyDip Slide Staining
Richard-Allan Scientific, Fisher Scientific International, Inc., Volu-sol, Inc.

EBV-na Test System
EBV-NA Test System is designed to detect circulating antibody to EBV-NA and utilizes the anti-complement immunofluorescence (ACIF) procedure.
Teco Diagnostics

EIA Auto-Immune Markers Extractable Nuclear Antigens
Alpco Diagnostics

EKG Caliper
EKG Caliper is an instrument used for electrocardiograph accessories. The caliper features hardened steel arms and points for accurate measurement of tracing intervals and point protector has built-in 40mm metric scale. It includes soft vinyl pocket case.
Mackin Manufacturing, Scrub Cabana, Pulse Store, more...

EKG Supplies
Nihon Kohden America, Inc., Del Mar Reynolds Medical, Inc., Merit Pharmaceutical, Inc., more...

Electric Powered Vacuum Pumps
MO BIO Laboratories, Inc., Qiagen Inc, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc, more...

Electric Steam Sterilizer
An electric steam sterilizer is used to sterilize any item related to feeding the infant, including bottles; breastfeeding bottles and breast pump tubes, nipples and bottle parts. It can also be used to cleanse pacifiers and teethers.
Alfa Medical, Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry Co., Inc., Narang Medical Limited, more...

Electrical Equipment For Laboratory
Anspach Effort, Inc., Almex Inc., Zeppelin Medical Instruments Ltd.

Electro Diagnostic Equipment
Electro Diagnostic Equipment is used to look at visual structures and functions of diabetics.
Nihon Kohden America, Inc., Micromedical Technologies, Inc., Alimed, Inc., more...

Electro Sphygmomanometer
A&D Engineering, Inc., High Class Dental, Vyaire Medical, Inc., more...

Electro-Magnetic Bellows Pumps
Viaflo Corp.

Electro-Magnetic Microplate Shaker
Electro-Magnetic Microplate Shaker is made of corrosion resistant materials and operated in incubators or refrigerators.
Becton, Dickson & Co.,

Electrocardiographs (ECGs)
Electrocardiograph is an instrument used in the detection and diagnosis of heart abnormalities. It measures electrical potentials on the body surface and generates a record of the electrical currents associated with heart muscle activity. It produces an electrocardiogram that shows the electrical activity of the heart over time. Analysis of the various waves and normal vectors of depolarization and repolarization yields important diagnostic information. It is also called cardiograph.
RedTech, Inc., SFO Medical Supplies Inc, Davis Medical Electronics, Inc., more...

Electrochemical Detector Flow Cells
Bioanalytical Systems, Inc.

Electrochemical Detectors
Electrochemical detector requires three electrodes like working electrode, the auxiliary electrode and the reference electrode. It responds to substances that are either oxidizable or reducible and the electrical output is an electron flow generated by a reaction that takes place at the surface of the electrodes.
Bioanalytical Systems, Inc.

Electrodes, Ultrasound Gel
Ultrasound gel is a salt and alcohol free, non-corrosive and non-irritant gel used for ultrasonic transmission. It is water based viscous gel that has been specially formulated for use with ultrasound transmission apparatus.
Rehab Therapy Supplies, Covidien, Uni-Patch, more...

Electrolase Tips, Blunt
Schuco International (London) Ltd.

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