PRODUCT NAME | FDA Code/Regulation |
Wireless Goniometer System (1 supplier) | |
Wall Mounted Axial Resistance Shoulder Wheel (2 suppliers) | |
White Rubber Extension Tubing (1 supplier) | |
White Rubber Drainage Tubing (1 supplier) | |
Wall Mounted Latex-Free Mercurial Sphygmomanometer (2 suppliers) | |
Wound Care Trays (3 suppliers) | |
Wireless Handheld Radiation Alert Detector (3 suppliers) | |
White Padded Nose Clip (13 suppliers) | |
White Pulmonary Function Filter (1 supplier) | |
White Sensorr Electrodes (2 suppliers) | |
Wound Drainage & Suction-Aspiration Sets (1 supplier) | |
Wound Drainage Drainage Sets (1 supplier) | |
Wound Suction Sets (4 suppliers) | |
Wire Closure Forceps (1 supplier) | |
Wavefront analysis (1 supplier) | |
Water-Filled Abdominal Catheters (1 supplier) | |
Wireless Enuresis Alarms (11 suppliers) | |
Wireless Remote Thermometer (1 supplier) | |
Wireless Temperature Monitor (3 suppliers) | |
Water Guard Alarm Sensor (1 supplier) | |
Wireless Thermocouple Logger (1 supplier) | |
Wireless Temperature Transmitter (1 supplier) | |
Wireless Precision Temperature Transmitter (1 supplier) | |
Wireless Meshing Temperature Transmitter (1 supplier) | |
Wingnut Autoclaves (1 supplier) | |
Wax Releasing Solvent (1 supplier) | |
Wheelchair Ramp for Disabled/Handicapped (23 suppliers) | |
Wheelchair Ramps (25 suppliers) | |
Wheelchair Cushions (52 suppliers) | |
Wrap Probe (1 supplier) | |
Wireless Digital X-ray System (1 supplier) | |
Wrist Blood Pressure Monitors (28 suppliers) | |
WOW Bandages (1 supplier) | |
Waterproof Vinyl Plastic Pants (1 supplier) | |
Waterproof Vinyl Plastic Panties (1 supplier)
Waterproof vinyl plastic panties provide waterproof protection to deal with bladder problems. It offers best solution to contain the flow of urine, especially at nighttime for those with heavy incontinence. It gives the incontinent person more comfort and leak-free protection.
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Wire Circling Needles (1 supplier) | |
Wire and Band Tightening Instruments (2 suppliers)
Magnetic cushioned shoe inserts are designed for long-lasting comfort. The core of the insole is a significant cushioning that molds to the contours of the bottom of foot, relieving pressure on high stress areas such as the heel and ball of the foot. These are designed to support cushion and increase blood flow for relief of tired aching feet, swelling and inflammation.
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Waterproof Cast Covers (10 suppliers)
Waterproof cast covers are designed to keep arm or leg dry in the shower or bath. It is used for immediate postoperative physical therapy, allowing hydrotherapy right after surgery, which helps prevent swelling and stiffness and aids in a speedy recovery. It is made of durable high quality surgical latex. It protects the sole and helps prevent slipping.
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Wrist Braces & Supports (26 suppliers)
Wrist braces & supports help support joints and muscles and retain body heat, which can aid in circulation. These are often recommended to ensure that the wrist remains straight, especially during work and sleep. It is designed to help with the self-management of arthritic joint symptoms, sports and repetitive strains.
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Water Caloric Irrigator (4 suppliers)
Water caloric irrigator delivers a precisely controlled temperature and flow rate of cool or warm water to evaluate the horizontal semicircular canal during caloric testing.
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Whiplash Injury Protective Kits (1 supplier) | |
Wrist Inclinometer (1 supplier)
Wrist inclinometer measures forearm pronation and supination. It is designed to reduce extraneous variables and provide accurate information.
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Wheelchair Scale (16 suppliers)
Wheelchair scale is designed to fulfill the needs patient's. The ultra-low platform makes it easy for health care providers and patients to get on the scale and be stable. These wheelchair scales enable accurate weighing of patients with limited mobility.
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Waist-High Digital Column Scale (2 suppliers) | |
Workstation Tables (28 suppliers) | |
Wrist Stretching Device (1 supplier) | |
WristWand r (1 supplier) | |
Washable Breast Pad (6 suppliers)
Washable breast pad contain brushed cotton lining, which is soft and gentle against the skin and absorbent padding which draws moisture away from the skin, trapping it behind a leak proof liner.
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Woven Single Use Corpse Retrieving Body Bag (7 suppliers)
Woven single use corpse retrieving body bag is a waterproof body bag with waxed inside of particularly heavy basis weight with comfortable side zip and six strong handles and side small pocket.
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Wood Recovery Couch (1 supplier) |