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MEDICAL products beginning with : F
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 PRODUCT NAMEFDA Code/Regulation 
Female Intermittent Catheters (9 suppliers)
Fiberoptic Light Guide (7 suppliers)
Fluorescence Microplate Reader (11 suppliers)
Fluorescence Microplate Reader detects the emission of light.
Flat-Wire Percutaneous Stone Extractors (22 suppliers)
Flat-Wire Percutaneous Stone Extractors are used for stone manipulation and removal in the renal pelvis under direct vision.
Female Incontinence, pessaries (3 suppliers)
Flexible Ureteroscopy (1 supplier)
Flexible Ureteroscopy provides a valuable alternative for difficult-to-access calculi in the midureter. Flexible ureteroscopy allows entry into all parts of the kidney so that all stones are removed or vaporized.
Free Or Complexed Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) (3 suppliers)
Foley Catheter Kit (10 suppliers)
Foley Catheters are soft rubber tubes that are placed up into the bladder to drain the urine during surgery.
FDA Approved Vacuum Therapy System (1 supplier)
Fertility Assays (2 suppliers)
Fertility Assays include hCG pregnancy test, LH ovulation predicting test and FSH menopause test.
Fluoride/Oxalate Tubes (1 supplier)
Famulus Doctors Case (1 supplier)
Floor Scales (4 suppliers)
Foetal Tissue Sampling (1 supplier)
Fetal Monitoring Paper (10 suppliers)
Face Tents (3 suppliers)
Face Tent with Corrugated Tubing (6 suppliers)
Filtered Nebulizer System (3 suppliers)
Filtered Nebulizer System is designed to reduce environmental contamination during aerosol therapy.
Ferrules (2 suppliers)
Fittings with NPT Connections (1 supplier)
Foam Cervical Pillow (26 suppliers)
Foam Cervical Pillow keeps the neck and head well aligned with the spine while sleeping. It reduces the pressure on the neck.
Face & Table Pillows (3 suppliers)
Fingerclip Probe (3 suppliers)
Filters, Clear (3 suppliers)
Filters, IR Blocking (1 supplier)
Filters, Light Pollution (1 supplier)
Filters, UBVRI Matched Filters (1 supplier)
Fiberoscopes Adapters (1 supplier)
Foam electrodes (2 suppliers)
A foam electrode contains solid adhesive gel for better adhesion and response. Its thin foam design provides maximum comfort and flexibility. It is used for various ECG tests. It uses an Ag/AgCl sensing element and hydro-gel for adhesion. It is an excellent component for sensitive monitoring.
Flexible Introducer Cannula (2 suppliers)
Flexible introducer cannula consists of a plastic cannula with a molded plastic hub. Its shear resistant provides fault free catheter access and manipulation into the epidural space. It is also available with a stainless steel introducer needle, which is removed after the device has been placed.
Filtered IV Admin Sets (4 suppliers)
Foreign Body Retriever, Single Use (1 supplier)
Foreign Body Retrievers, Reusable (1 supplier)
Flushable Mechanical Lithotripsy System (1 supplier)
Fibrin Needle (1 supplier)
Fleisch Pneumotachograph (1 supplier)
Fleisch pneumotachograph measures flow in terms of the proportional pressure drop across a resistance consisting of numerous capillary tubes in parallel.
Finger Stick Blood Sugar Analyzers (2 suppliers)
Faceshields (33 suppliers)
A face shield provides protection against potential contamination from blood borne pathogens, body fluids, or harmful chemical splash. It reduces the risks of exposure and possible infection from life threatening diseases like the HIV/AIDS virus, and Hepatitis B virus.
Full Arm Splints (3 suppliers)
Foil Bowl (1 supplier)
Feminine Bladder Control Pads (13 suppliers)
Feather Dusters (1 supplier)
Floor Sweeps (2 suppliers)
Floor Sweep Handles (1 supplier)
Fogger Sprayer Furniture Polish (1 supplier)
Full-Size Bar Soap (1 supplier)
First aid items (26 suppliers)
First aid items contain bandages for controlling bleeding, personal protective equipment such as gloves and a breathing barrier for performing rescue breathing and CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). It is suitable for use in giving first aid, particularly in a medical emergency.
First Aid Bandage (36 suppliers)
First aid bandages are used in controlling bleeding and absorbing seepage. It provides a great protection from contamination. It can protect a wound from licking or chewing. It also protects cuts, scrapes, blisters and other minor injuries.
Fast Edge Gauze bandage (31 suppliers)
Fast edge gauze bandage is made of cotton yarn with knitted edges. It is suitable for medical, clinic and health care use.
Face Mask Non-woven (41 suppliers)
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