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 PRODUCT NAMEFDA Code/Regulation 
Tripolar Electrode Cables (23 suppliers)
Translaminar Facet Screws (1 supplier)
Transarticular Facet Screws (1 supplier)
Tungsten Carbide Needle Holders (149 suppliers)
Triangle Needle Holder (135 suppliers)
Triangle needle holder is designed to stay at the end of thick knitting needles. The triangle form of the stopper prevents the needle from rolling over. It helps to keep stitches from slipping off the needle.
Titanium Hand Plating System (1 supplier)
Tubular Retractor System (1 supplier)
Table Mounted Retractor Systems (2 suppliers)
Table mounted retractor system is a multi-purpose retractor featuring independently moveable arms. The unique multi-plane positioning allows for virtually unlimited angle and retractor blade placement. The retractor frame is rigidly attached to the operating table with cross bars to prevent the retractors from moving intraoperatively.
Tissue Retractor System (1 supplier)
Tubular Base Ring Electrode (1 supplier)
Typical Stereotactic Frames (4 suppliers)
A typical stereotactic frame consists of a rigid head-mounted frame, whose purpose is to provide a rigid fiducial marker system during imaging, as well as a rigid platform for mounting instruments during surgery. The set of fiducial markers is visualized with the respective imaging modalities and provides a coordinate system within which targets appearing in the images may be localized. The frame also provides the means for determining coordinate trasformations between frame-space and image-space.
Tracheobronchic Suction Tube (17 suppliers)
Tracheobronchic suction tube is used to eliminate pus, blood, secretions and food or other liquids.
Toothed Pituitary Rongeurs (5 suppliers)
Toothed Pituitary IVD Rongeurs (4 suppliers)
Transcranial Ultrasound Dopplers (TCD) (25 suppliers)
Transcranial ultrasound doppler is a non-invasive ultrasound method used to examine the blood circulation within the brain. During TCD, sound waves, inaudible to the human ear, are transmitted through the tissues of the skull. These sound waves reflect off blood cells moving within the blood vessels, allowing the radiologist to calculate their speed. The sound waves are recorded and displayed on a computer screen.
Traction Forceps (1 supplier)
Tightening Umbilical Tapes (21 suppliers)
Tenaculm Forceps (1 supplier)
Teller Acuity Cards (2 suppliers)
Teller acuity cards are sufficiently sensitive for early detection of deficits in the presence of defects of the entire visual system. The infant is shown a card with the same background brightness. The examiner is hidden behind a viewing case that covers him or her from the front and side. An observation pinhole in the middle of the card permits the examiner to observe only the infants eyes and determine upon which side of the card the infant is fixating. Infants who prefer the striped side have good fixation.
Titanium Intraocular Lens Injectors (16 suppliers)
Table Mounted Amblyoscope (1 supplier)
Table mounted amblyoscope is a table mounted reflecting stereoscope used to evaluate or stimulate binocular vision.
Traditional Argon Laser Trabeculoplasty (1 supplier)
Thicker Artificial Tears and Ointments (3 suppliers)
Thicker artificial tears and ointments are suitable for use as a mainstay in the treatment of dry eyes. These are formulated to mimic the composition of natural tears. These eye drops are made of harmless moisturizing substances, which are designed to cover the eyes with an enduring moisturizing film to compensate for the lack of natural tears.
Titanium Bayonet Forceps (50 suppliers)
Titanium bayonet forceps provide the balance and precision desired for operating in deep cranial or spinal incisions.
Titanium Bipolar Forceps (Ophthalmology) (54 suppliers)
Titanium bipolar forceps are used where lower instrument weight, non-magnetic and stainless qualities are required. The bipolar forceps jaws close accurately giving the surgeon confidence to carry out precise and delicate work, and the titanium alloy used ensures good wear resistance.
Thin capsulorhexis Forceps (51 suppliers)
Thermal Cautery Devices (3 suppliers)
Traditional chalazion Clamps (9 suppliers)
Trabeculectomy, Cyclodialysis Spatulas (4 suppliers)
Thumb Dressing Forceps (82 suppliers)
Tungsten Eye Shields (3 suppliers)
Tungsten eye shield is ideal for electron beam treatment. It is suitable for use in electron beam treatment of eyelid tumors. It uses anodized aluminum cap to reduce the electron backscatter to the eyelid.  The eye shield can be used without the aluminum cap when placed superficially. Tungsten eye shields have less transmission than other eye shields.
Titanium vitreoretinal Intraocular Forceps (51 suppliers)
Trabeculectomy, Kelly Sclerectomy Punches (3 suppliers)
Tungsten Carbide Blades Mayo Scissors (66 suppliers)
Titanium Mayo Scissors (64 suppliers)
Tungsten Carbide Blades Metzenbaum Scissors (62 suppliers)
Tobramycin - Ophthalmic Ointment (1 supplier)
Tobramycin - Ophthalmic ointment is used to treat eye infections. It is an antibiotic (aminoglycoside-type) that works by stopping the growth of bacteria. It is a sterile topical ophthalmic antibiotic formulation prepared specifically for topical therapy of external ophthalmic infections. This medication mainly treats bacterial eye infections.
Timolol Ophthalmic Solution (1 supplier)
Timolol ophthalmic solution is a beta- adrenergic blocking agent. It mainly blocks the action of the sympathetic nervous system. It causes a reduction of the intraocular pressure within the eye. This effect is caused by a reduction in the production of the liquid (aqueous humor) within the eye. The reduction in intraocular pressure reduces the risk of damage to the optic nerve and loss of vision in patients with glaucoma.
Three-dimensional optical coherence tomography (4 suppliers)
Three-dimensional optical coherence tomography is a non-contact, noninvasive imaging technique used to obtain high resolution cross-sectional images of the retina. It is generally is based on a transversal scanning scheme and combines the imaging modes of a scanning laser ophthalmoscope with the depth sectioning capability of OCT.
Tapered Orbital Retractors (47 suppliers)
Tapered orbital retractor accommodates the triangular shape of the orbital walls during deep orbital surgery. The tapered distal end allows exposure of the narrow orbital apex while the wider proximal portions retract the orbital fat and other soft tissues.
Titanium RETINAL Forceps (52 suppliers)
Titanium Ophthalmic Forceps (74 suppliers)
Trinocular photoMicroscopes (31 suppliers)
Tilt Stand Magnifiers (2 suppliers)
Tilt stand magnifiers can be used for right or left hand users and can be tilted front to back to help reduce neck strain. It comes in various magnifications.
Transsclerally Sutured Secondary IOLs (1 supplier)
Trial Lenses and Accessories (11 suppliers)
Telesensory video magnifiers (2 suppliers)
Topography Based Aberrometry System (1 supplier)
Topography based aberrometry system measures every variation of the entire optics of an eye from the cornea, to the retina. It provides data for the corneal aberrations. It derives a curvature map from topographical measurements. It then uses the data to calculate the wavefront error and incorporates it into the ablation profile of the laser. The surgeon can select the laser shot file of a patient from within the laser software.
Triple Arthrodesis (1 supplier)
Triple arthrodesis consists of the surgical fusion of the talocalcaneal, talonavicular, and calcaneocuboid joints in the foot. The primary goals of a triple arthrodesis are to relieve pain from arthritic, deformed, or unstable joints. Other important objectives are the correction of deformity and creation of a stable, balanced plantigrade foot.
Titanium Ankle Arthrodesis (1 supplier)
Titanium ankle arthrodesis system is usually inserted into the long bones for fixation of fractures, or the fixation of long bones that is surgically prepared for correction of deformity, or arthrodesis. It is mainly intended for tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis.
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