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 PRODUCT NAMEFDA Code/Regulation 
Potassium Colorimetry Tetraphenyl Borate Test (9 suppliers)

Identification. A potassium test system is a device intended to measure potassium in serum, plasma, and urine. Measurements obtained by this device are used to monitor electrolyte balance in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases conditions characterized by low or high blood potassium levels.

Classification. Class II.

CEJ / 862.1600
Potassium Dichromate Specific Reagent For Alcohol (1 supplier)

Identification. An alcohol test system is a device intented to measure alcohol (e.g., ethanol, methanol, isopropanol, etc.) in human body fluids (e.g., serum, whole blood, and urine). Measurements obtained by this device are used in the diagnosis and treatment of alcohol intoxication and poisoning.

Classification. Class II.

DMI / 862.3040
Potassium Flame Photometer (2 suppliers)

Identification. A potassium test system is a device intended to measure potassium in serum, plasma, and urine. Measurements obtained by this device are used to monitor electrolyte balance in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases conditions characterized by low or high blood potassium levels.

Classification. Class II.

JGM / 862.1600
Potassium Ion Specific Electrode (47 suppliers)

Identification. A potassium test system is a device intended to measure potassium in serum, plasma, and urine. Measurements obtained by this device are used to monitor electrolyte balance in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases conditions characterized by low or high blood potassium levels.

Classification. Class II.

CEM / 862.1600
Powder-Free Rubber Examination Gloves (2 suppliers)

Identification. A patient examination glove is a disposable device intended for medical purposes that is worn on the examiner's hand or finger to prevent contamination between patient and examiner.

Classification. Class I (general controls).

OIG / 880.6250
Powdered Latex Patient Examination Glove (7 suppliers)OPE
Powdered Vinyl Patient Examination Glove (2 suppliers)OPF
Powered Algesimeter (1 supplier)

Identification. A powered algesimeter is a device using electrical stimulation intended to determine a patient's sensitivity to pain after administration of an anesthetic agent.

Classification. Class II (performance standards).

BSI / 868.1040
Powered Breast Pump (28 suppliers)

Identification. A powered breast pump in an electrically powered suction device used to express milk from the breast.

Classification. Class II (performance standards).

HGX / 884.5160
Powered Communication System (40 suppliers)

Identification. A powered communication system is an AC- or battery-powered device intended for medical purposes that is used to transmit or receive information. It is used by persons unable to use normal communication methods because of physical impairment. Examples of powered communication systems include the following: a specialized typewriter, a reading machine, and a video picture and word screen.

Classification. Class II (special controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to 890.9.

ILQ / 890.3710
Powered Compound Trephines & Accessories (9 suppliers)

Identification. Powered compound cranial drills, burrs, trephines, and their accessories are bone cutting and drilling instruments used on a patient's skull. The instruments employ a clutch mechanism to disengage the tip of the instrument after penetrating the skull to prevent plunging of the tip into the brain.

Classification. Class II (performance standards).

HBF / 882.4305
Powered Dialysis Chair (5 suppliers)FKS
Powered Direct Contact Temperature Monitor Measurement Device (6 suppliers)

Identification. A powered direct-contact temperature measurement device is a device which contains a power source and is used to measure differences in temperature between two points on the body.

Classification. Class II (performance standards).

HCS / 882.1570
Powered Electric Percussor (18 suppliers)

Identification. A powered percussor is a device that is intended to transmit vibration through a patient's chest wall to aid in freeing mucus deposits in the lung in order to improve bronchial drainage and that may be powered by electricity or compressed gas.

Classification. Class II (performance standards).

BYI / 868.5665
Powered Emergency Ventilator/Resuscitator (37 suppliers)

Identification. A powered emergency ventilator is a demand valve or inhalator intended to provide emergency respiratory support by means of a face mask or a tube inserted into a patient's airway.

Classification. Class II (performance standards).

BTL / 868.5925
Powered Environmental Control System (21 suppliers)

Identification. A powered environmental control system is an AC- or battery-powered device intended for medical purposes that is used by a patient to operate an environmental control function. Examples of environmental control functions include the following: to control room temperature, to answer a doorbell or telephone, or to sound an alarm for assistance.

Classification. Class II (special controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to 890.9.

IQA / 890.3725
Powered Exerciser (103 suppliers)

Identification. Powered exercise equipment consist of powered devices intended for medical purposes, such as to redevelop muscles or restore motion to joints or for use as an adjunct treatment for obesity. Examples include a powered treadmill, a powered bicycle, and powered parallel bars.

Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter, subject to the limitations in 890.9.

BXB / 890.5380
Powered External Limb Component, Elbow Joint (5 suppliers)

Identification. An external limb prosthetic component is a device intended for medical purposes that, when put together with other appropriate components, constitutes a total prosthesis. Examples of external limb prosthetic components include the following: Ankle, foot, hip, knee, and socket components; mechanical or powered hand, hook, wrist unit, elbow joint, and shoulder joint components; and cable and prosthesis suction valves.

Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter, subject to the limitations in 890.9. The device is also exempt from the current good manufacturing practice requirements of the quality system regulation in part 820 of this chapter, with the exception of 820.180, regarding general requirements concerning records and 820.198, regarding complaint files.

IRE / 890.3420
Powered External Limb Component, Hand Joint (7 suppliers)

Identification. An external limb prosthetic component is a device intended for medical purposes that, when put together with other appropriate components, constitutes a total prosthesis. Examples of external limb prosthetic components include the following: Ankle, foot, hip, knee, and socket components; mechanical or powered hand, hook, wrist unit, elbow joint, and shoulder joint components; and cable and prosthesis suction valves.

Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter, subject to the limitations in 890.9. The device is also exempt from the current good manufacturing practice requirements of the quality system regulation in part 820 of this chapter, with the exception of 820.180, regarding general requirements concerning records and 820.198, regarding complaint files.

IQZ / 890.3420
Powered External Limb Component, Hook Joint (3 suppliers)

Identification. An external limb prosthetic component is a device intended for medical purposes that, when put together with other appropriate components, constitutes a total prosthesis. Examples of external limb prosthetic components include the following: Ankle, foot, hip, knee, and socket components; mechanical or powered hand, hook, wrist unit, elbow joint, and shoulder joint components; and cable and prosthesis suction valves.

Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter, subject to the limitations in 890.9. The device is also exempt from the current good manufacturing practice requirements of the quality system regulation in part 820 of this chapter, with the exception of 820.180, regarding general requirements concerning records and 820.198, regarding complaint files.

IQW / 890.3420
Powered External Limb Component, Wrist Joint (4 suppliers)

Identification. An external limb prosthetic component is a device intended for medical purposes that, when put together with other appropriate components, constitutes a total prosthesis. Examples of external limb prosthetic components include the following: Ankle, foot, hip, knee, and socket components; mechanical or powered hand, hook, wrist unit, elbow joint, and shoulder joint components; and cable and prosthesis suction valves.

Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter, subject to the limitations in 890.9. The device is also exempt from the current good manufacturing practice requirements of the quality system regulation in part 820 of this chapter, with the exception of 820.180, regarding general requirements concerning records and 820.198, regarding complaint files.

KGH / 890.3420
Powered External Limb Overload Device (1 supplier)

Identification. A powered external limb overload warning device is a device intended for medical purposes to warn a patient of an overload or an underload in the amount of pressure placed on a leg.

Classification. Class II (performance standards).

IRN / 890.5575
Powered Finger Exerciser (9 suppliers)

Identification. A powered finger exerciser is a device intended for medical purposes to increase flexion and the extension range of motion of the joints of the second to the fifth fingers of the hand.

Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter, subject to the limitations in 890.9.

JFA / 890.5410
Powered Flotation Therapy Bed (29 suppliers)

Identification. A powered flotation therapy bed is a device that is equipped with a mattress that contains a large volume of constantly moving water, air, mud, or sand. It is intended for medical purposes to treat or prevent a patient's bedsores, to treat severe or extensive burns, or to aid circulation. The mattress may be electrically heated.

Classification. Class II (special controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to 890.9.

IOQ / 890.5170
Powered Heating Pad (90 suppliers)

Identification. A powered heating pad is an electrical device intended for medical purposes that provides dry heat therapy for body surfaces. It is capable of maintaining an elevated temperature during use.

Classification. Class II (special controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E part 807 of this chapter subject to 890.9.

IRT / 890.5740
Powered Heating Unit (27 suppliers)

Identification. A powered heating unit is a device intended for medical purposes that consists of an encased cabinet containing hot water and that is intended to heat and maintain hot packs at an elevated temperature.

Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter, subject to the limitations in 890.9.

IRQ / 890.5950
Powered Inflatable Tube Massager (11 suppliers)

Identification. A powered inflatable tube massager is a powered device intended for medical purposes, such as to relieve minor muscle aches and pains and to increase circulation. It simulates kneading and stroking of tissues with the hands by use of an inflatable pressure cuff.

Classification. Class II (performance standards).

IRP / 890.5650
Powered Laser Surgical Instrument With Microbeam\Fractional Output (2 suppliers)ONG / 878.4810
Powered Light Based Non-Laser Non-Thermal Instrument With Non-Heating Effect For Adjunctive Use In Pain Therapy (18 suppliers)

Identification. An infrared lamp is a device intended for medical purposes that emits energy at infrared frequencies (approximately 700 nanometers to 50,000 nanometers) to provide topical heating.

Classification. Class II (performance standards).

NHN / 890.5500
Powered Light Based Non-Laser Surgical Instrument With Thermal Effect (8 suppliers)

Identification. (1) A carbon dioxide laser for use in general surgery and in dermatology is a laser device intended to cut, destroy, or remove tissue by light energy emitted by carbon dioxide.

Classification. (1) Class II.

ONF / 878.4810
Powered Medical Examination Table (31 suppliers)

Identification. Operating tables and accessories and operating chairs and accessories are AC-powered or air-powered devices, usually with movable components, intended for use during diagnostic examinations or surgical procedures to support and position a patient.

Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to 878.9.

LGX / 878.4960
Powered Muscle Stimulator For Muscle Conditioning (18 suppliers)

Identification. A powered muscle stimulator is an electrically powered device intended for medical purposes that repeatedly contracts muscles by passing electrical currents through electrodes contacting the affected body area.

Classification. Class II (performance standards).

NGX / 890.5850
Powered Nasal Irrigator (28 suppliers)

Identification. A powered nasal irrigator is an AC-powered device intended to wash the nasal cavity by means of a pressure-controlled pulsating stream of water. The device consists of a control unit and pump connected to a spray tube and nozzle.

Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to 874.9.

KMA / 874.5550
Powered Non-Tilting Radiographic Table (36 suppliers)

Identification. A radiologic table is a device intended for medical purposes to support a patient during radiologic procedures. The table may be fixed or tilting and may be electrically powered.

Classification. Class II (special controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to 892.9.

IZZ / 892.1980
Powered Ophthalmic Instrument Table (48 suppliers)

Identification. An ophthalmic instrument table is an AC-powered or manual device on which ophthalmic instruments are intended to be placed.

Classification. Class I (general controls). The AC-powered device and the manual device are exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter, subject to the limitations in 886.9. The manual device is also exempt from the current good manufacturing practice requirements of the quality system regulation in part 820 of this chapter, with the exception of 820.180, with respect to general requirements concerning records, and 820.198, with respect to complaint files.

HRJ / 886.4855
Powered Parallel Bars (5 suppliers)

Identification. Powered exercise equipment consist of powered devices intended for medical purposes, such as to redevelop muscles or restore motion to joints or for use as an adjunct treatment for obesity. Examples include a powered treadmill, a powered bicycle, and powered parallel bars.

Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter, subject to the limitations in 890.9.

IRR / 890.5380
Powered Patient Rotation Bed (24 suppliers)

Identification. A powered patient rotation bed is a device that turns a patient who is restricted to a reclining position. It is intended for medical purposes to treat or prevent bedsores, to treat severe and extensive burns, urinary tract blockage, and to aid circulation.

Classification. Class II (special controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to 890.9.

IKZ / 890.5225
Powered Patient Transfer Unit (13 suppliers)

Identification. A powered patient transfer device is a device consisting of a wheeled stretcher and a powered mechanism that has a broad, flexible band stretched over long rollers that can advance itself under a patient and transfer the patient with minimal disturbance in a horizontal position to the stretcher.

Classification. Class II (special controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to 880.9.

FRZ / 880.6775
Powered Patient Transport (9 suppliers)

Identification. A powered patient transport is a motorized device intended for medical purposes to assist transfers of patients to and from the bath, beds, chairs, treatment modalities, transport vehicles, and up and down flights of stairs. This generic type of device does not include motorized threewheeled vehicles or wheelchairs.

Classification. Class II (performance standards).

ILK / 890.5150
Powered Radiation Therapy Couch (13 suppliers)

Identification. A powered radiation therapy patient support assembly is an electrically powered adjustable couch intended to support a patient during radiation therapy.

Classification. Class II.

JAI / 892.5770
Powered Reflex Hammer (7 suppliers)

Identification. A powered reflex hammer is a motorized device intended for medical purposes to elicit and determine controlled deep tendon reflexes.

Classification. Class II (performance standards).

IKO / 890.1450
Powered Rongeur (3 suppliers)

Identification. A powered rongeur is a powered instrument used for cutting or biting bone during surgery involving the skull or spinal column.

Classification. Class II (performance standards).

HAD / 882.4845
Powered Saw and Accessories (37 suppliers)

Identification. Surgical instrument motors and accessories are AC-powered, battery-powered, or air-powered devices intended for use during surgical procedures to provide power to operate various accessories or attachments to cut hard tissue or bone and soft tissue. Accessories or attachments may include a bur, chisel (osteotome), dermabrasion brush, dermatome, drill bit, hammerhead, pin driver, and saw blade.

Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to 878.9.

HAB / 878.4820
Powered Shoulder/Elbow/Hand Assembly (1 supplier)KFW / 890.3420
Powered Sitz Bath (7 suppliers)

Identification. An immersion hydrobath is a device intended for medical purposes that consists of water agitators and that may include a tub to be filled with water. The water temperature may be measured by a gauge. It is used in hydrotherapy to relieve pain and itching and as an aid in the healing process of inflamed and traumatized tissue, and it serves as a setting for removal of contaminated tissue.

Classification. Class II (performance standards).

ILM / 890.5100
Powered Surgical Laser Instrument (294 suppliers)
Surgical Lasers are medical devices that use precisely focused light sources to treat or remove tissues. Surgical lasers are used during endoscopy. Surgical lasers are usually designed for cutting coagulation and ablation of tissue. These lasers are utilized to facilitate bloodless surgical dissections. Surgical lasers offer an effective means of removing ingrown nails and permanently preventing the recurrence.

Identification. (1) A carbon dioxide laser for use in general surgery and in dermatology is a laser device intended to cut, destroy, or remove tissue by light energy emitted by carbon dioxide.

Classification. (1) Class II.

GEX / 878.4810
Powered Table (44 suppliers)

Identification. A powered table is a device intended for medical purposes that is an electrically operated flat surface table that can be adjusted to various positions. It is used by patients with circulatory, neurological, or musculoskeletal conditions to increase tolerance to an upright or standing position.

Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter, subject to the limitations in 890.9.

INQ / 890.3760
Powered Traction Equipment (30 suppliers)

Identification. Powered traction equipment consists of powered devices intended for medical purposes for use in conjunction with traction accessories, such as belts and harnesses, to exert therapeutic pulling forces on the patient's body.

Classification. Class II (performance standards).

ITH / 890.5900
Powered Treadmill (41 suppliers)

Identification. Powered exercise equipment consist of powered devices intended for medical purposes, such as to redevelop muscles or restore motion to joints or for use as an adjunct treatment for obesity. Examples include a powered treadmill, a powered bicycle, and powered parallel bars.

Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter, subject to the limitations in 890.9.

IOL / 890.5380
Powered Vaginal Muscle Stimulator (2 suppliers)

Identification. A powered vaginal muscle stimulator is an electrically powered device designed to stimulate directly the muscles of the vagina with pulsating electrical current. This device is intended and labeled for therapeutic use in increasing muscular tone and strength in the treatment of sexual dysfunction. This generic type of device does not include devices used to treat urinary incontinence.

Classification. Class III (premarket approval).

HII / 884.5940
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