PRODUCT NAME | FDA Code/Regulation |
Pre-Operative Testing, 3D Arc Scanners (1 supplier) | |
Portable 3D Arc-Scanner (1 supplier) | |
Pre-Operative Testing, A-Scan Ultrasound Devices (12 suppliers) | |
Portable Applanation Tonometer (4 suppliers)
Portable applanation tonometer allows measurement of intraocular pressure in children, patients unable to cooperate for slit lamp exam, and in anesthetised patients.
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Pre-Operative Testing, B-Scan Ultrasound Devices (11 suppliers) | |
Probe Bayonet Forceps (50 suppliers) | |
Pulsed C02 Laser System (1 supplier) | |
Penetrating Keratoplasty, Castroviejo Corneal Scissors (71 suppliers) | |
Peripheral Donor Corneal Button (1 supplier) | |
Phacoemulsification Surgery, Cortex Extractors (20 suppliers) | |
Phacoemulsification Surgery, Cystotome Needles (7 suppliers) | |
Proparacaine Eye Drops (4 suppliers)
A Proparacaine eye drop is used for numbing the eye during certain procedures. It is a topical local anesthetic. It works on the nerves to decrease pain.
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Pneumatic Esthesiometers (1 supplier) | |
Prism Exophthalmometers (6 suppliers)
The prism exophthalmometer provides precise measurement of patient's exophthalmos. By using a design that utilizes prisms for the alignment, system errors induced by parallax are eliminated.
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Post-Operative Care, Eye Bandages (2 suppliers)
Post-operative care, eye bandages are used to protect the eye from symptoms caused by dry eye, medical conditions, drug reactions and environmental factors. It forms a moisture chamber over the eye area during rest.
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Programmable Foot Switches (3 suppliers) | |
Polycarbonate Frame Readers (1 supplier) | |
Periosteals Elevators (26 suppliers) | |
Pediatric Gentamicin (6 suppliers) | |
Portable Autorefractors (6 suppliers) | |
Portable Magnifiers (4 suppliers) | |
Pneumatic Horizontal Micro-Scissors (56 suppliers)
Pneumatic horizontal micro-scissors are designed to cut epiretinal membranes and vitreoretinal bands to perform retinotomies. These are typically 20-gauge (.091mm) in diameter, and can be introduced inside the eye through a 0.9mm sclerotomy.
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Phacoemulsification Surgery, Hydrodissectors (1 supplier) | |
Porous hydroxyapatite orbital implants (10 suppliers) | |
Precision Implant Knives (3 suppliers) | |
Pantothenate Inoculum Broth (1 supplier) | |
Phacoemulsification Surgery, Intraocular Lens Manipulators (16 suppliers) | |
Patternless Lens Edger (3 suppliers)
Patternless lens edger measures the shape of an eyeglass frame, makes data corresponding to the measured shape, and grinds a blank lens according to the given data. It processes the overall shape of an eyeglass lens, and also forms a groove at the edge side of the lens for fixing a lens-fixing wire.
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Pediatric Vision Screening, Maddox Rods (1 supplier) | |
Porous Orbital implants (2 suppliers)
Porous orbital implants is comprised of synthetic, medical grade and hydroxyapatite. It has a controlled microstructure designed to support soft tissue ingrowth. It provides a macro porous structure that serves as an ideal scaffold allowing rapid and complete soft tissue penetration throughout the entire implant.
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Porous Polyethylene Sheet Implants (1 supplier)
Porous polyethylene sheet implants are frequently used in the surgical management of several orbital conditions, including the repair of traumatic orbital fractures and the enhancement of volume in anophthalmic sockets.
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Polymyxin B Sulfate Ophthalmic Ointment (1 supplier)
Polymyxin B sulfate ophthalmic ointment is one of a group of related antibiotics derived from Bacillus polymyxa. The polymyxins are rapidly bactericidal, this action being exclusively against gram-negative bacteria. It s indicated for the prophylaxis and local treatment of superficial ocular infections.
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Polarisation-sensitive optical coherence tomography (4 suppliers)
Polarisation-sensitive optical coherence tomography is an imaging modality where the location and relative strength of embedded structures can be deduced. It is mainly used for retinal imaging based on spectral domain OCT. This system uses two spectrometers, one for each polarization channel that operates in parallel at 20000 A-lines/s each. It provides reflectivity, retardation, and cumulative optic axis orientation simultaneously.
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Pen-Strep Solution (6 suppliers)
Pen-strep solution is a standard antibiotic mixture used against a wide variety of gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial organisms. It has no activity against fungi. This product is useful both as a preventive agent and as a treatment for bacterially contaminated cultures.
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Pigtail Curved Blunt Probes (3 suppliers) | |
PTFE Scleral Buckling Implants (2 suppliers) | |
Portable Slit Lamp Adapters (9 suppliers)
Portable slit lamp adapter adds the therapeutic capability of transpupillary laser photocoagulation to the slit lamp, enabling treatment of retina disorders and glaucoma without compromising the diagnostic functions of the slit lamp. Its safety filter coating maximizes white light illumination transmission.
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Pre-Operative Testing, Tear Volume Testing (1 supplier) | |
Powder Terrific Broth (3 suppliers) | |
Pachymeters (Pachometers), Ultrasonic Pachymetry (13 suppliers)
Ultrasonic pachymeter typically uses echo spike techniques to measure the thickness of the cornea. This is the recommended method for obtaining corneal thickness measurements because it has many advantages that include reproducibility, high accuracy, ability to take measurements anywhere on the cornea, and measurements are not dependent upon patient fixation.
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Portable Vision Testers (3 suppliers)
Portable vision tester is ideal for complete patient vision screening. This instrument offers a full range of visual acuity, colour/depth perception, muscle balance, peripheral and contrast sensitivity.
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portable vitrectomy system (1 supplier)
Portable vitrectomy system is fully integrated, with both mechanical and electronic components. This multi-function surgical system is safe, reliable, portable, and effective tools for ophthalmic surgery.
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Phacoemulsification Surgery, YAG Laser Cataract Surgery (2 suppliers) | |
Portal Accessory System (1 supplier) | |
Polyethylene Acetabular Liners (5 suppliers) | |
Poly Glove Liners (6 suppliers) | |
Posture Control Brace (3 suppliers)
Posture control brace is designed to correct poor posture by gently pulling the shoulders back and holding them in the proper position. Elastic side panels provide support compression to stabilize the abdominal and lumbar regions for improved posture and alignment. Two flexible plastic stays provide additional support and help prevent slouching. Elastic straps are soft and comfortable to prevent pinching of the skin, and the criss-cross design in the back allows for greater adjustability.
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Pre Filled Bone Cement Mixer (14 suppliers)
Pre filled bone cement mixer is a vacuum mixing and syringe delivery system pre-packed with bone cement powder and liquid. The device is for single use only and reduces exposure to monomer fumes and cement porosity during preparation and avoids handling of bone cement during cement delivery.
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Perisoteal Rasp (1 supplier) | |
Percutaneous Cannulated Screws (4 suppliers) |